Curriculum Vitae
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA | Sep 2021 - Jun 2026
- Ph.D. Student in Computation and Neural Systems
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA | Sep 2017 - Jun 2021
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Linguistics and Philosophy
Work experience
Caltech Computational Vision Laboratory -
Pasadena, CA | April 2022 - Present
Graduate Researcher
Reverse Engineering Animal Natural Algorithms for Navigation
Researching the learning algorithms used by mice to navigate complex mazes. The goal is to reproduce, in AI models, features of animal navigation such as efficient exploration, few-shot learning, and rapid adaptation to environment changes.
MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) -
Cambridge, MA | Jan 2019 - May 2021
Undergraduate Researcher
Reinforcement Learning for Agricultural Management Policy Recommendation (February 2020 - May 2021)
Developed models for automated optimal decision making in agricultural management in Sub-Saharan Africa based on crop yield using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Used the WOFOST model to generate simulated data to train the models.
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (September 2019 - December 2019)
Investigated the use of Recurrent Neural Networks in predicting the behavior of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Found that Convolutional layers improved sensibility to local changes in the behavior of the system.
Seizure Detection (January 2019 - May 2019)
Developed models for the prediction of seizure events in epilepsy patients based on time-series data from their EEG readings. Identified feature extraction and data resampling techniques that maintained interpretability while maximizing the accuracy.
Zeiss Medical Technology -
Dublin, CA | Jun 2021 - Sep 2021
Data Science Intern
- Upgraded the algorithms used in the automated segmentation of OCT images from UNets to Transformers. Implemented the new algorithm without hurting execution time by processing OCT images as sequences of 1D A-scans, instead of 2D input. Patent US 2023/0196572 A1
Bridgewater Associates -
Westport, CT | Jun 2020 - Aug 2020
Investment Engineering Intern
Utilizing learned macroeconomics concepts and understanding of global markets, analyzed select case studies to develop hypotheses to explain and predict the business cycle.
Analyzed and built a fully automated sample bond trading system.
Pegasystems -
Cambridge, MA | Jun 2019 - Aug 2019
Software Engineering Intern
Member of a core engineering team with the task to speed up the initialization of Kubernetes nodes when running Pega Platform, the main product of the company, in the cloud.
Collaborator in the root cause analysis that found a bottleneck caused by requests to the database for java classes. Worked in the implementation of a solution that pre-loaded such classes directly in the docker image used in the nodes.
Organização Educacional Farias Brito -
Fortaleza, Brazil | Nov 2016 - May 2017
Competitive Programming Teacher
- Taught competitive programming and logic to students from 6th to 12th grade in one of the best schools in informatics olympiads in Brazil. Two students classified to the International Olympiad in Informatics in the 2017 Team Selection Tests.
International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) - Silver Medal (2016, Russia), Bronze Medal (2017, Iran)
The IOI was initiated by the UN and is the most prestigious computer science competition for High School students in the world. It requires knowledge on advanced data structures and algorithms and has contestants from more than 80 countries.
Caltech Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Graduate Fellow (2021)
Fellowship provided to exceptional first-year graduate students in neuroscience options at Caltech.
MIT EECS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar - SuperUROP (2019/2020)
A year-long program for selected students in EECS that provides sponsorship and academic advise for their research projects.
MIT Burchard Scholar (2019/2020)
Selected group of students who have demonstrated outstanding abilities and academic excellence in the humanistic fields.
Estudar Fellow (2017)
Fundação Estudar awards scholarships and connects talents who want to positively impact Brazil (33 selected from 83,000).